I recently was winner in a Fitness infused giveaway, Hosted by Trimino. Which was perfect timing I was in the process of losing weight. In my winning package I won a gift card which my husband gladly took, and a case of all 4 Trimino flavors, I was not expecting the water. But before I start I was not chosen as the winner to blog this nor did Trimino pay me to blog about their product. This blog post is solely my own doing because I fell in LOVE with the water, I am even highly considering purchasing a case or 2 of my favorite water.... Peach! #ProteinInfused Peach was the first flavored I tried, it was sweet, Keep in mind Trimino has NO SUGAR in the water so I was surprised at how delicious this flavor was and I also wondered how many succulent peaches went into the process of making such a great flavor. My next flavor I tried was Strawberry - Lemonade of course I mis-read the label and thought it strictly said Strawberry, so of course when I took a swig. I said that'...
Copyright 2014 - Present Owner/Author Melissa Cunningham